Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd.
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Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. præsenterer langsigtet strategi og mål for at blive CO2-neutral i indsats mod klimaforandringer

Forpligter sig til at udligne tre millioner tons drivhusgasudslip over 3 år.

Klimahandlingsstrategi for at opnå CO2-neutralitet inkluderer fokus på reduktion af kulstofintensitet, investering i teknologi og implementering af CO2-kompensationsprogram

MIAMI, Florida – 23. juni, 2021 – Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. (the “Company”) (NYSE: NCLH) et førende globalt krydstogtselskab, der driver Norwegian Cruise Line, Oceania Cruises og Regent Seven Seas Cruises, præsenterer i dag sin langsigtede klimahandlingsstrategi og mål om at nå CO2-neutralitet ved at reducere kulstofintensitet, identificere og investere i teknologi, herunder udforskning af alternative brændstoffer og implementering af et frivilligt CO2-kompensationsprogram. Ud over de igangværende initiativer om at reducere sin emissionsrate har virksomheden forpligtet sig til at udligne tre millioner tons kuldioxidækvivalenter (MTCO2e) over en periode på tre år, der begynder i 2021, indtil ny teknologi er tilgængelig. Som en del af selskabets globale bæredygtighedsprogram, Sail & Sustain, er bekæmpelse af klimaforandringer et væsentligt fokus, og virksomheden underskrev tidligere Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) historiske forpligtelse til at reducere kulstofemissionstakten på tværs af industrien med 40% inden 2030 med et udgangspunkt i 2008.

”Vi har udviklet en langsigtet strategi med et mål om at opnå CO2-neutralitet gennem tre indsatsområder, herunder at reducere kulstofintensitet, identificere og investere i teknologi og implementering af et CO2-kompensationsprogram. Vores forpligtelse til at købe tre millioner ton kulstofkreditter er et målbart skridt til at reducere vores emissioner på kort sigt, der giver os mulighed for at handle i dag som led i vores decarboniseringsindssats, i takt med at vi forbereder os på en fremtid med mindre kulstof,” udtaler Frank Del Rio, president & CEO for Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. “Vores globale bæredygtighedsprogram, Sail & Sustain, er centreret omkring vores forpligtelse til at skabe en positiv indvirkning på samfundet og miljøet og vores langsigtede strategi for klimahandling styrker dette engagement og stemmer overens med visionen i Parisaftalen om at opnå en klimaneutral verden.”

Langsigtet strategi for klimahandling
De tre fokusområder i virksomhedens langsigtede strategi for klimahandling inkluderer:

1) Reducer kulstofintensitet. Virksomheden eftersøger løbende muligheder for at reducere sit samlede aftryk ved at minimere brændstofforbruget og øge energieffektiviteten. Løbende investeringer i systemer og teknologier har resulteret i en reducering af brændstofforbruget pr. kapacitetsdag på ca. 17% fra 2008 til 2019 for hele flådens 28 skibe. Derudover opnåede virksomheden en anslået reduktion på ca. 14% i CO2-emissioner pr. kapacitetsdag i hele flåden mellem 2015 og 2019.

2) Investering i teknologi og udforske alternative brændstoffer. Virksomheden har indgået et samarbejde med CLIA og andre maritime organisationer for at foreslå oprettelse af en fælles forsknings- og udviklingsfond for skibsfarten dedikeret til det ultimative mål om at eliminere CO2-emissioner fra international skibsfart. Hvis dette godkendes, kan finansieringen komme fra et bidrag pr. ton skibsbrændstof købt til forbrug og forventes at beløbe sig til 5 milliarder dollars over en 10-årig periode. Disse midler vil blive brugt til at finansiere udviklingen mere CO2-neutralt brændstof og fremdriftsteknologier.

3) Implementere CO2-kompensationsprogram. I dag bekendtgjorde virksomheden sit tilsagn om at købe kulstofkreditter til at modregne tre millioner MTCO2e over en periode på tre år som led i dekarboniseringsindsatsen, indtil ny teknologi er tilgængelig. Kompenseringskøb forventes at stige i de kommende år for at nå målet om CO2-neutralitet.

Virksomheden samarbejder med CLIA, nationale og internationale regeringer og nonprofitorganisationer (NGO'er) for at bidrage til den globale indsats om at bekæmpe klimaændringer. Hovedinitiativer inkluderer virksomhedens deltagelse i CLIA’s forpligtelse om at reducere kulstofemissionstakten i hele branchen med 40% inden 2030, hvilket blev oprettet som det første skridt til at bidrage til Den Internationale Søfartsorganisations (IMO) vision om en kulstoffri skibsfartsindustri. Virksomheden overholder også gældende regler, kvoter og rapporterer sine drivhusgasemissioner (GHG) og søger nye omkostningseffektive måder at reducere eller minimere sit aftryk på.

Som en del af sin langsigtede strategi for klimahandling har virksomheden lanceret et CO2-kompensationsprogram i samarbejde med World Kinect Energy Services, divisionen for bæredygtighed i World Fuel Services. Virksomheden har forpligtet sig til frivilligt at kompensere for mindst tre millioner MTCO2e til og med 2023. Virksomheden planlægger gradvist at øge frivillige kompensationskøb i de kommende år for at nå sit mål om CO2-neutralitet baseret på Scope 1-emissioner, som typisk tegner sig for ~95% af aftrykket. Dette initiativ giver virksomheden mulighed for straks at gribe ind, og dermed mindske kløften i dekarboniserings-indsatsen indtil nye teknologier er tilgængelige.

En kulstofkompensation repræsenterer et ton drivhusgasemissioner, der er undgået eller reduceret i atmosfæren. Ved at købe kulstofkompensationer kan virksomheder kompensere for deres resterende CO2-aftryk ved at støtte projekter over hele verden, der reducerer kulstofemissioner.

Gennem World Kinect investerer virksomheden i pålidelige kulstofkompensationer af høj kvalitet, der er blevet uafhængigt verificeret og opfylder de højeste internationale standarder såsom Gold Standard eller Verified Carbon Standard (VCS). Kompensationerne kommer fra en blandet projektportefølje, der inkluderer vedvarende energi, skovbrug, energieffektivitet og affald til energiprojekter.
Om Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd.
Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. (NYSE: NCLH) er et førende globalt krydstogtselskab, der driver rederierne Norwegian Cruise Line, Oceania Cruises og Regent Seven Seas Cruises. Med en samlet flåde på 28 skibe med ca. 60.000 pladser tilbyder disse rederier rejseplaner til mere end 490 destinationer verden over. Virksomheden har yderligere ni skibe, der er planlagt til levering til og med 2027 og omfatter ca. 24.000 pladser.
Om Sail & Sustain
Sail & Sustain er Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings globale bæredygtighedsprogram centreret omkring et engagement i at skabe positiv indvirkning på samfundet og miljøet samtidig med at leve op til visionen om at være den foretrukne ferie for alle rundt om i verden. Programmet er struktureret omkring fem punkter, der er udviklet gennem et tværfunktionelt samarbejde med centrale interne og eksterne interessenter. Disse punkter inkluderer: Reducere miljøpåvirkningen, sikker sejlads, styrkelse af mennesker, styrkelse af vores samfund og drift med integritet og ansvarlighed.
Om World Fuel Services
World Fuel Services har hovedkontor i Miami, Florida, og er et globalt energistyringsselskab, der er involveret i at yde leveringsopfyldelse, rådgivning om energikøb og transaktions- og betalingsstyringsløsninger til kommercielle og industrielle kunder over hele verden. World Fuel Services sælger og leverer flydende brændstoffer, naturgas, elektricitet, vedvarende energi og andre bæredygtige løsninger til sine kunder flere end 8.000 steder i mere end 200 lande og territorier gennem divisionerne Marine, Aviation og World Kinect Energy Services.

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Cautionary Statement Concerning Forward-Looking Statements
Some of the statements, estimates or projections contained in this release are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the U.S. federal securities laws intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this release, including, without limitation, those regarding our business strategy, financial position, results of operations, plans, prospects, actions taken or strategies being considered with respect to our liquidity position, valuation and appraisals of our assets and objectives of management for future operations (including those regarding our expectations, plans or goals for our sustainability program and decarbonization efforts, expected fleet additions, our voluntary suspension, our ability to weather the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the length of time we can withstand a suspension of voyages, our expectations regarding the resumption of cruise voyages and the timing for such resumption of cruise voyages, the implementation of and effectiveness of our health and safety protocols, operational position, demand for voyages, financing opportunities and extensions, and future cost mitigation and cash conservation efforts and efforts to reduce operating expenses and capital expenditures) are forward-looking statements. Many, but not all, of these statements can be found by looking for words like “expect,” “anticipate,” “goal,” “strategy,” “project,” “plan,” “believe,” “seek,” “will,” “may,” “forecast,” “estimate,” “intend,” “future” and similar words. Forward-looking statements do not guarantee future performance and may involve risks, uncertainties and other factors which could cause our actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from the future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied in those forward-looking statements. Examples of these risks, uncertainties and other factors include, but are not limited to the impact of: the spread of epidemics, pandemics and viral outbreaks and specifically, the COVID-19 pandemic, including its effect on the ability or desire of people to travel (including on cruises), which are expected to continue to adversely impact our results, operations, outlook, plans, goals, growth, reputation, cash flows, liquidity, demand for voyages and share price; our ability to comply with the CDC’s Framework for Conditional Sailing Order and any additional or future regulatory restrictions on our operations and to otherwise develop enhanced health and safety protocols to adapt to the pandemic’s unique challenges once operations resume and to otherwise safely resume our operations when conditions allow; legislation prohibiting companies from verifying vaccination status; coordination and cooperation with the CDC, the federal government and global public health authorities to take precautions to protect the health, safety and security of guests, crew and the communities visited and the implementation of any such precautions; our ability to work with lenders and others or otherwise pursue options to defer, renegotiate or refinance our existing debt profile, near-term debt amortization, newbuild related payments and other obligations and to work with credit card processors to satisfy current or potential future demands for collateral on cash advanced from customers relating to future cruises; our need for additional financing, which may not be available on favorable terms, or at all, and may be dilutive to existing shareholders; our indebtedness and restrictions in the agreements governing our indebtedness that require us to maintain minimum levels of liquidity and otherwise limit our flexibility in operating our business, including the significant portion of assets that are collateral under these agreements; the accuracy of any appraisals of our assets as a result of the impact of COVID-19 or otherwise; our success in reducing operating expenses and capital expenditures and the impact of any such reductions; our guests’ election to take cash refunds in lieu of future cruise credits or the continuation of any trends relating to such election; trends in, or changes to, future bookings and our ability to take future reservations and receive deposits related thereto; the unavailability of ports of call; future increases in the price of, or major changes or reduction in, commercial airline services; adverse events impacting the security of travel, such as terrorist acts, armed conflict and threats thereof, acts of piracy, and other international events; adverse incidents involving cruise ships; adverse general economic and related factors, such as fluctuating or increasing levels of unemployment, underemployment and the volatility of fuel prices, declines in the securities and real estate markets, and perceptions of these conditions that decrease the level of disposable income of consumers or consumer confidence; any further impairment of our trademarks, trade names or goodwill; breaches in data security or other disturbances to our information technology and other networks or our actual or perceived failure to comply with requirements regarding data privacy and protection; changes in fuel prices and the type of fuel we are permitted to use and/or other cruise operating costs; mechanical malfunctions and repairs, delays in our shipbuilding program, maintenance and refurbishments and the consolidation of qualified shipyard facilities; the risks and increased costs associated with operating internationally; fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates; overcapacity in key markets or globally; our expansion into and investments in new markets; our inability to obtain adequate insurance coverage; pending or threatened litigation, investigations and enforcement actions; volatility and disruptions in the global credit and financial markets, which may adversely affect our ability to borrow and could increase our counterparty credit risks, including those under our credit facilities, derivatives, contingent obligations, insurance contracts and new ship progress payment guarantees; our inability to recruit or retain qualified personnel or the loss of key personnel or employee relations issues; our reliance on third parties to provide hotel management services for certain ships and certain other services; our inability to keep pace with developments in technology; changes involving the tax and environmental regulatory regimes in which we operate; and other factors set forth under “Risk Factors” in our most recently filed Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Additionally, many of these risks and uncertainties are currently amplified by and will continue to be amplified by, or in the future may be amplified by, the COVID-19 pandemic. It is not possible to predict or identify all such risks. There may be additional risks that we consider immaterial or which are unknown. The above examples are not exhaustive and new risks emerge from time to time. Such forward-looking statements are based on our current beliefs, assumptions, expectations, estimates and projections regarding our present and future business strategies and the environment in which we expect to operate in the future. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date made. We expressly disclaim any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statement contained herein to reflect any change in our expectations with regard thereto or any change of events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement was based, except as required by law.
Lise Hvid Holm
Telefon: +45 2267 8903
Veronika Bahnmann
Telefon: +49 (0)611 36 07 121
Louise Prior

James Arnold
Atlantic Link
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